What could you save by digitalizing your WPS?


What could you save by digitalizing your WPS?

1. Dezember 2016

The increasing complexity of welded products has made the development of welding procedure specifications (WPS) more time-consuming. As industries move to subcontractor and multi-site based operating models, WPS management also becomes more demanding.

Vesa Tiilikka

During the development of our new arc welding equipment for demanding industrial welding, we began to rethink the printed WPS. Is the manual way truly the only option in this era of connected systems? Could digitalization offer new efficiency to the use and processing of the WPS?

Eliminate rework and poor welding quality

Kemppi's X8 MIG Welder features a new digital WPS (dWPS) function that allows welders to view relevant welding procedure specifications and their latest revisions in digital format right at the welding station. The digital WPSs are managed in the WeldEye cloud service from where they are automatically transferred to the X8 MIG Welder's wireless user interface, Control Pad. The welding parameters can also be adjusted automatically for the welding system based on the WPS that has been selected and activated on the Control Pad's display. Not only does the dWPS function allow the welders to focus more on actual welding and productive work, but it also decreases the possibility of human error and can thus prevent possible welding defects. On the other hand, the welder's job will become easier when the right welding parameters are conveniently available for each weld.

Redefine welding management

Digital welding management offers significant time savings also to welding coordination. In the case of a company with 25 welders who each hold five qualifications on average, one business year equals to 250 qualification prolongations in total. This can take a lot of time if the qualification certificates are processed manually. When the welders' qualifications are managed digitally with a welding management software solution, all qualification certificates that are about to expire can be prolonged at once with just a few clicks. A task that previously took at least several minutes, will now only take a few seconds.

It is also possible to speed up the search for relevant welding procedure specifications. If a company performs five WPS searches per day, a digital solution for WPS management will decrease the time spent on the task by up to 80%. In addition, the digital format saves money by preventing any overlapping welding procedure specifications and making sure that even companies with multi-site manufacturing have only one WPS created or purchased for a specific purpose.

Got interested? Try the WeldEye cloud service free of charge for 14 days!

Vesa Tiilikka

Vesa Tiilikka

Product Manager, Software at Kemppi Oy.

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Der Wegbereiter des Lichtbogenschweißens

Kemppi ist das wegweisende Unternehmen in der Schweißbranche. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Qualität und Produktivität des Schweißens durch kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des Lichtbogens zu steigern. Durch eine ressourcenschonende Produktion leisten wir unseren Beitrag für eine grünere Welt. Kemppi liefert nachhaltige hochmoderne Produkte, digitale Lösungen und Service für Profis in Industrie- sowie Handwerksbetrieben. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit unserer Produkte sind unser Leitmotiv, um Ihre Produktivität zu steigern. Unser hochqualifiziertes Partnernetzwerk in über 70 Ländern gewährleistet Unterstützung und Know-how vor Ort. Kemppi hat seinen Hauptsitz in Lahti, Finnland, beschäftigt über 650 Profis in 16 Ländern und verzeichnete im Jahr 2023 einen Umsatz von 209 Mio. EUR.

Kemppi – Designed for welders

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