Kemppi welds stoves for Ukraine in cooperation with companies in the Lahti region

Kemppi welds stoves for Ukraine in cooperation with companies in the Lahti region

3. tammikuuta 2023

On 4 January 2023, Kemppi organizes a stove welding day, where companies from Lahti region have been invited. By organizing the welding day, Kemppi responds to the challenge of LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology) to help Ukrainians.

Stoves can be used to heat apartments and cook food. The purpose is to help Ukrainians suffering from energy shortages. Many Ukrainians have no electricity or heat distribution after the Russian bombings.

Companies VS-Welding Oy, Speweld Service Oy, Halton Marine Oy, Peikko Finland Oy and Kouvola Vocational Institute Ltd., Eduko responded to Kemppi’s invitation to participate in the welding day. More than thirty companies from all over Finland have already participated in LUT University’s challenge.

“The situation in Ukraine is very challenging because of the destruction caused by the Russian attacks. Electricity and heating disruptions are significant. By making stoves, we can make people’s lives a bit easier in the midst of war. This is a unique project, and we are honored to be part of,” says Aarno Laine, Director, Domestic Sales, Kemppi Oy.

Dozens of stoves intended for households are manufactured at LUT and transported to Ukrainians suffering from energy shortages. This is the university's mechanical engineering students’ and staff’s project, where the stoves are made as part of the course exercises. Kemppi, which now organizes the welding day, also participated in the project by sending a welder to Lappeenranta for two days.

Distribution: Media,

Images and captions:

Image: mikko nikkinen_MG_8761_fullres Caption: A stove ready to be shipped to Ukraine.

Image: mikko nikkinen_MG_9077_fullres Caption: Kemppi participated in the welding of stoves at LUT University.

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Kemppi is the design leader in the arc welding industry. We are committed to improving the quality and productivity of welding through continuous arc development and working for a greener and more equal world. Kemppi provides sustainable products, digital solutions, and services to professionals from industrial welding companies to individual contractors. The usability and reliability of our products are our guiding principles. Our experienced network of partners covers more than 70 countries, so its expertise is always available locally. Kemp is headquartered in Lahti, and our net sales amount to EUR 178 million. We employ nearly 800 experts in 16 countries.

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Kemppi – Designed for welders

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