Artistic steel construction with Kemppi


Artistic steel construction with Kemppi

5. heinäkuuta 2015

When you think about welding, what is the first thing that pops up in your mind? For some, it could be a welder’s helmet, or perhaps an electric arc. If you thought of Kemppi, you just made hundreds of Kemppi Group employees smile for doing a great job!

Sonja Airikka

Many associate welding with industrial endeavors, factory environments or personal projects in the cozy corner of one’s garage. However, this is only a part of the scope of how welding translates to different kinds of areas. In addition to functional purposes, welding is a common means of creating art for sculptors and artists all over the world.

Tomasz Domański, a Polish artist with a long and versatile career, utilized Kemppi Minarc 150 in the creation of a magnificent steel sculpture ‘Square Babel’. The whopping 8-meter tall sculpture is situated in Skulpturenpark in Katzow, Germany, where it is possible to browse approximately 50 works from various international artists. Having done challenging work in the heights, Domański commends the efficiency of a Kemppi welding machine and continues to work with Kemppi machines in his future projects. A similar project is already underway near Wroclaw, Poland, which will be the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

All the best for the future, Tomasz!

Picture: Tomasz Domański

Sonja Airikka

Sonja Airikka

Communications Specialist, Content Marketing at Kemppi Oy until January 2022. Content marketing professional who is interested in branding and Asian market. Devoted to storytelling, passionate about great content. Managing editor of Welding Value 2015-2021.

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