Wise pipe welding at IIW 2015


Wise pipe welding at IIW 2015

1. heinäkuuta 2015

Once a year, all welding professionals in the world gather together to share their expertise and insights on the welding industry. The 68th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference is currently in motion in Helsinki, Finland.

Sonja Airikka

The event welcomes over 700 participants from all over the world. Hosted by The Welding Society of Finland, IIW 2015 focuses on the challenges and applications of high strength materials.

As a research and innovation-oriented company in the welding industry, Kemppi is strongly involved in IIW 2015 as a sponsor. IIW participants were also welcomed to visit the company's headquarters in Lahti. Today, Kemppi's Dr Petteri Jernström will present the findings of his study on advanced pipe welding with gas metal arc welding (GMAW) as part of the International Conference. The study was conducted in collaboration with Jyri Uusitalo. Previously, it has been presented in Asia – Malaysia, India and China respectively.

Pipe welding made easy

Efficiency and reliability in advanced pipe welding has become a hot topic in the welding world due to increased construction of cross-country transmission pipelines, especially for oil and natural gas. The study by Jernström and Uusitalo introduces Kemppi’s smart GMAW process called WiseRoot+, which answers to the need for improved quality and productivity in pipe girth welding.

The beneficial effect of WiseRoot+ on arc stability, weld pool control, penetration formation and welding speed was proven by the study. Smooth consistent root passes with complete penetration and sidewall fusion were obtained. According to the findings, the maximum welding speed allowing acceptable weld quality (Level B of ISO 5817) was three to four times higher with WiseRoot+ than with a regular gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process. In addition, the results with WiseRoot+ clearly showed that it is easier to compensate for variations in the gap width than with a conventional short circuiting process.

To learn more of the study, check out the IIW 2015 presentation slides on Slideshare.

With the welding industry constantly evolving, Kemppi will continue to work actively together with universities and participate in research.

The 68th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference in Helsinki, Finland from June 28th to July 3rd, 2015.

The International Institute of Welding (IIW) is the largest global network for welding and allied joining technologies with 56 member countries from five continents. Its purpose is to provide a global forum for the exchange of knowledge among scientists, researchers and industry experts in order to promote innovation and best joining practices.

Sonja Airikka

Sonja Airikka

Communications Specialist, Content Marketing at Kemppi Oy until January 2022. Content marketing professional who is interested in branding and Asian market. Devoted to storytelling, passionate about great content. Managing editor of Welding Value 2015-2021.

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