How to use a welding particle filter

ABC spawania

How to use a welding particle filter

24 marca 2024

Learn about the particulate filter in your welding respirator

Welding Value


A particulate filter is responsible for capturing airborne particles and helping maintain positive breathing pressure as air moves through a welding respirator.

It sits inside the filter unit alongside a prefilter, a gas filter, or an optional odor filter. To increase welding safety, using a fresh particle filter is strongly recommended.

  1. Filter cover

  2. Spark arrester

  3. Pre-filter

  4. Particle filter

  5. Odor filter: Removes unpleasant odors. Optional accessory. Do not use if a gas filter is present

  6. Gas filter: Removes gases and vapors


In a typical industrial work environment, a welding particle filter should be changed once a month. However, if the working conditions are extremely dirty, Kemppi recommends changing the particulate filter in the respirator after every work shift.

Do not wait for the 'change filter' alarm on a welding respirator. This warning indicates that the performance of your welding particle filter is already seriously compromised.

The peace of mind and long-term health benefits of breathing safe air far outweigh the relatively small cost of changing your particle filters regularly.


1. Improve welding safety

Changing particle filters regularly ensures that the respirator delivers fresh air into the helmet for long-term welding safety and a better work experience.

2. Optimize respirator performance

A clogged particulate filter changes the back pressure in a welding respirator and forces the mechanical parts inside to wear out faster than normal.

3. Increase productivity

A fresh welding particle filter maintains efficient airflow and prevents excessive fan use that hurts productivity by draining the battery faster.


Never attempt to clean a particulate filter. Blowing pressurized air into a particle filter can degrade its performance and potentially damage your welding respirator.


  • Press the 'open' button to remove the filter unit cover

  • Check the condition of all filters (sometimes just the prefilter is dirty)

  • Remove clogged filters

  • Place the new filter in the correct place (make sure it fits tightly)

  • Attach the blower unit cover

  • Carefully push the hinged side into place

Using a welding particle filter correctly improves welding safety while also maximizing the performance and effective lifespan of a welding respirator.

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Welding Value

Welding Value

Welding Value is a corporate blog hosted by Kemppi Oy. Its main purpose is to evoke discussion on the transformation of modern welding, and bring you the latest stories from within the global welding industry told by true experts in their respective fields.

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