New Kemppi Robotics Team


New Kemppi Robotics Team

23 września 2024

Achieving strategic goals and enhancing customer experience

Risto Etelämäki

Kemppi has long been recognized as a design leader in arc welding technology and a pioneer in welding innovations. This spring, the company took a significant step forward by establishing a new international robotics team. This group focuses on developing, producing, supporting, and managing all Kemppi's robotics products. The team's work is pivotal to the future of Kemppi’s product development, particularly in serving both new and existing customers with their robotic welding needs.

We want to build Kemppi’s reputation as a partner who gets things done without problems, and if issues arise, we resolve them quickly and effectively.
Jussi Saren,Technology Manager

Diverse Expertise and Collaboration

The team is composed of professionals with strong welding skills, extensive experience in welding applications, and in-depth knowledge of automation. They are well-versed in key industrial networks and related software development. Collaboration is at the core of their success, as they work closely with other Kemppi departments, from the welding laboratory to marketing and sales. This diversity and teamwork enable the creation of innovative and comprehensive solutions that meet the varying needs of customers across different markets.

Kimmo Salmela, Niko Mikkonen, Jere Luoto, Dmitry Pulkinen, Linh Nguyen and Jussi Sarén

Development and Management of Robotic Solutions

The team is focusing on research and the continuous development of new systems. They are dedicated to enhancing existing welding capabilities and features while managing all Kemppi's robotics products. Ensuring that these products not only meet but exceed set quality standards is a top priority for the team.

Interfaces, Systems Integration, and Testing

A key area of focus for the team is the development of interfaces between welding robots and other systems. Their expertise in automation and systems integration is crucial in this process. The team conducts comprehensive testing to guarantee that all systems operate flawlessly before being deployed to customers. Additionally, they offer 3D modeling services to support customers' processes, enabling the creation of precise solutions during the design phase.

Customer Support

Beyond development, the robotics team is deeply committed to customer support. They provide thorough training and ongoing assistance, ensuring that customers can utilize robotic solutions as effectively as possible. By working closely with customers, the team helps integrate robotic systems into production processes, offering technical support and troubleshooting when needed. They ensure that customers' voices are heard in Kemppi's product development.

Close cooperation improves customer understanding and experience, strengthening Kemppi's reputation as a reliable and agile partner. A great example of this is Kemppi's China unit, where the welding lab conducts robotic welding tests for both customers and Kemppi’s product development team. The product management team in China also gathers local market insights, which is considered in Kemppi's product development and manufacturing.

As Alex Yang, Product Manager for Kemppi China unit, explains: "China is the largest single market for more than one-third of the world’s automated welding applications, and a wide variety of such applications can be found across the country. Leveraging this favorable situation, we will engage closely with customers on-site, gather their diverse needs, and continuously develop and optimize our products to strengthen Kemppi’s leading position in the global automated welding market."

Strategic Goals and the Robotics Team

One of Kemppi's key strategic objectives is to strengthen its position in the automation sector. The robotics team plays an essential role in this endeavor by acting as internal advocates, highlighting the requirements, prerequisites, and opportunities of welding automation. They are not only focused on addressing current challenges but are also planning and executing projects with a long-term perspective, aiming to create lasting value for customers.

“There are many things we plan and start doing now that may be ready in two years. We must ensure that these things remain relevant and, most importantly, meaningful and value-adding for our customers at that time. This requires long-term commitment, agility, and flexibility,” notes Robotics Team Product Manager Artturi Salmela.

Promoting Innovation and Quality

The team is dedicated to not just developing new products but ensuring that these products meet the highest quality standards. Their work involves meticulous attention to detail and the resolution of individual challenges daily, all while maintaining a clear view of the long-term picture. The goal is to maximize added value for customers and ensure that Kemppi's products and services remain relevant, cost-effective and significant in a rapidly changing market.

Jussi Saren, Kemppi

Technology Manager Jussi Sarén leads the new Robotics team.

Enhancing Customer Experience

The new robotics team is central to Kemppi's ongoing mission to build and maintain its reputation as a reliable and agile partner that delivers innovative solutions and exceptional service. The team's efforts have a positive ripple effect across all areas and functions within Kemppi. As Team Lead Jussi Sarén summarizes: “We want to build Kemppi’s reputation as a partner who gets things done without problems, and if issues arise, we resolve them quickly and effectively.” He adds, “We strongly believe in what we are doing. We have all the prerequisites and an excellent opportunity to take Kemppi’s robotics efforts to a new level and achieve our goals.”

Risto Etelämäki

Risto Etelämäki

A versatile and seasoned content professional with deep expertise in marketing communication strategy and design. A brand and concept expert who strongly believes in the power of brand as a key business driver. A multi-channel storyteller and writer with a passion for creative problem-solving and teamwork.

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Prekursor w dziedzinie spawania łukowego

Firma Kemppi jest liderem w dziedzinie projektowania urządzeń do spawania łukowego. Poprzez ciągłe doskonalenie charakterystyki łuku spawalniczego staramy się zapewniać coraz wyższą jakość i wydajność spawania, jednocześnie pracując na rzecz bardziej ekologicznego i równego świata. Firma Kemppi dostarcza zaawansowane zrównoważone produkty, rozwiązania cyfrowe i usługi dla profesjonalistów — od firm zajmujących się spawaniem w warunkach przemysłowych po wykonawców indywidualnych. Naszym celem nadrzędnym jest użyteczność i niezawodność produktów. Działamy w oparciu o sieć wysoko wykwalifikowanych partnerów obejmującą ponad 70 krajów, dzięki czemu jesteśmy w stanie obsługiwać klientów lokalnie. Firma Kemppi z siedzibą w Lahti w Finlandii zatrudnia ponad 650 specjalistów ds. spawania w 16 krajach i w 2023 r. osiągnęła obrót 209 mln EUR.

Kemppi – Designed for welders

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