There is something in the air – invest in welder's safety


There is something in the air – invest in welder's safety

15 kwietnia 2021

You’ve probably seen pictures of contaminants? Those tiny little particles that can't be seen with the eye but look horrifying through the microscope lens. If you could actually see them floating around you, would you not use the maximum protection available?

Janne Karppinen

It is a well-known fact that welding generates metal particulates and gases such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. The types of fumes and their amount depend on the welding process and the type of material at hand. Welding metals, solvents, flux, plastic or paint all produce different gases and some of the fumes are visible to the eye, but many invisible and real. So, I'm sure you'd agree that when it comes to your health and safety, you shouldn't leave anything to chance. Use solutions that guarantee your well-being.

When it comes to your health and safety, you shouldn't leave anything to chance. Use solutions that guarantee your well-being.

As with the other occupational hazards of welding, welders can minimize the risk of inhaling welding fumes and airborne contaminants by using approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which protects against prolonged exposure to airborne welding and grinding fumes. It shouldn't be ignored as exposure to airborne contamination for lengthy periods may result in long-term health issues, including cancer.

The best way to protect yourself is with an appropriate respirator

The good news is that the best protection is already available for the welder's safety. The welders wearing a welding helmet equipped with an appropriate air ventilation system can in fact efficiently protect themselves from toxic fumes and airborne contaminants. Masks supplied with proper respirators offer a higher protection level and allow you to rest assured you can work safely.

In case you didn't know, respirator systems are officially graded by the protection level they offer e.g. the level to which they exclude the contaminated air in the work environment. This classification rates the efficiency of the filtering system and the total measured combined leakage rating of the respirator system and is being called the Total Inward Leakage (TIL) performance rating.

Kemppi’s Gamma GTH3 welding and grinding respirator models, including the new Gamma GTH3 RFA are certified to a maximum allowable inward leakage of 0.2 %, which means they protect the welders from 99.8% of airborne fumes and particulates. Therefore, they have an important role in minimizing the risk of lung diseases but also enhancing the welder's work performance as clean breathing air lowers fatigue.

Respirators provide cool and clean breathing air

The Gamma GTH3 welding and grinding respirator models provide cool and clean breathing air, from either a PFU 210e battery-powered filter unit offering optimal freedom of movement around the workspace or a supplied breathing air solution where the airflow is regulated from the RSA 230.

A respirator helmet is comfortable and lightweight

Good protection is obviously visible, but when adjusted correctly, a respirator helmet is comfortable and lightweight. The lightweight structure and fabric face seal ensure comfort for lengthy periods. The ComFlex headband offers comfort and flexibility for the perfect fit to your individual head shape and preferences. Even distribution of the suspended weight lowers pressure to sensitive areas of the head, minimizing fatigue and headgear-related headaches.

A proper respirator helmet improves visibility

It in fact improves visibility significantly. The GapView switch sets a clear view beneath the welding visor providing a narrow 15 mm gap and clear vision of the working area. It is ideal for workpiece setting and tacking prior to welding. On the other hand, LiFE+ Color welding optics are developed to improve work efficiency, reduce eye fatigue and protect sight. For fine and low current welding applications, a magnifying lens can be easily fitted, providing a more detailed view of the workpiece.

A large 198 cm2 visor offers a wide 170-degree field of view and protects the face from hits equivalent to six joules of energy. You can also select a hard-coated visor that withstands more wear and tear, or a yellow-toned visor that enhances contrast when working in low light.

Certifiably reliable welding and grinding respirators are available

The Gamma GTH3 respirator models are certified with a maximum inward leakage level of TH3 which means a maximum of 0.2 % inward leakage when connected to the PFU 210e filter unit. The PFU 210e filter unit also offers the option of a combined particle and gas filtration set. The powered filter unit represents the highest level of filtration performance.

Welder's safety is the hot potato of the welding industry, and for a reason. Therefore, it is good to remember that you are more special than your work and you shouldn't take any needless risks. Safety and comfort belong to every welder's working life – yours included!

Janne Karppinen

Janne Karppinen

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