Kemppi Group Oy announces a plan to separate Kemppi Oy's electronics business into its own company

Kemppi Group Oy announces a plan to separate Kemppi Oy's electronics business into its own company

4. Februar 2024

Kemppi Group Oy has today announced its plan to separate Kemppi Oy's electronics business into its own company.

The purpose of the planned demerger is to strengthen the positioning of Kemppi's electronics business and enable better conditions for the growth of this business. The new company established as a result of the planned demerger will in the future manufacture e.g. electronic circuit boards, subassemblies, modules, transformers and chokes. In addition, the planned demerger enables Kemppi Oy to focus on its welding business.

“The planned demerger enables the new company to focus on developing the electronics contract manufacturing business as an independent company. Demerging of electronics production and contract manufacturing of power modules enables the new company to grow its business, taking into account the special needs of its customer industries,” says Antti Kemppi, Chairman of the Board, Kemppi Group Oy.

”In the future, we at Kemppi can focus on our core business, i.e. welding equipment, welding torches and welding safety products. The new company will offer power electronics components for Kemppi's welding equipment as our supplier,” says Katri Sahlman, acting CEO of Kemppi Oy.

The new company will operate as a subsidiary of Kemppi Group Oy. Demerger will be carried out as a partial demerger, where part of the personnel, assets and liabilities are transferred from Kemppi Oy to the new company. Demerger is expected to take place during 2024. The new company will continue its operations in its current premises in Lahti, Finland.

Distribution: Media,

Kemppi Group in brief

Kemppi Group Oy is family-owned parent company of Kemppi Oy and Kempower Oyj. Kemppi is a forerunner and one of the most respected companies within the arc welding industry which supplies advanced products, digital solutions and services that solve their customers’ arc welding challenges. Kempower is an innovator in charging solutions designing and manufacturing DC fast charging solutions for electric vehicles and machines that operate in the most demanding conditions.

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Kemppi ist das wegweisende Unternehmen in der Schweißbranche. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Qualität und Produktivität des Schweißens durch kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des Lichtbogens zu steigern. Durch eine ressourcenschonende Produktion leisten wir unseren Beitrag für eine grünere Welt. Kemppi liefert nachhaltige hochmoderne Produkte, digitale Lösungen und Service für Profis in Industrie- sowie Handwerksbetrieben. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit unserer Produkte sind unser Leitmotiv, um Ihre Produktivität zu steigern. Unser hochqualifiziertes Partnernetzwerk in über 70 Ländern gewährleistet Unterstützung und Know-how vor Ort. Kemppi hat seinen Hauptsitz in Lahti, Finnland, beschäftigt über 650 Profis in 16 Ländern und verzeichnete im Jahr 2023 einen Umsatz von 209 Mio. EUR.

Kemppi – Designed for welders

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