FastMig X - classic never goes out of style


FastMig X - classic never goes out of style

28. kesäkuuta 2023

When welding demanding industrial applications, do not settle for less than the highest-class welding solutions. Kemppi’s intelligent FastMig X is THE industrial MIG welding machine when you need a professional workhorse with unparalleled quality and durability.

Anu Rousku

It is a well-known fact that approximately half of the time being awake is spent at work. To make the most out of this time, we need top-of-the-class tools. If you want to be on top of your game and the best in what you do, you need to have a technological edge that guarantees your professional excellence. As much as an office clerk needs an efficient and fast laptop, so does a welder need a welding machine worth his or her skills.

Durable choice is an economical choice

When you put your bets on quality, you can’t go wrong. The initial investment is paid back by years and years of great welds and functions without failure. A durable welding machine becomes more than a tool; it is a trusted partner of a welder.

When Kemppi created its first FastMig, the ultimate goal was to create a legend; a welding machine so durable and reliable that it would become a trendsetter for the industry. The first machine was only the starting point for continuous development based on customer needs. Since then, the product characteristics have been improved and upgraded, and the FastMig family has grown to be known in the industry.

The newest member of this family is the genuinely versatile powerhouse X5 FastMig. Nevertheless, its predecessors, FastMig X and M still going strong. This series of welding machines are particularly liked because of their flexibility for a wide variety of welding tasks, good usability, and a broad offering of accessories and software for different welding applications. One hundred thousand happy welders worldwide just can’t be wrong.

X5 FastMigs in three different setups

Demanding conditions, intelligent welding

Kemppi's FastMig X product series offers highly specialized welding solutions and superior welding quality for demanding industrial applications. It features three alternative high-end configuration recommendations for three different purposes:

  • FastMig X Regular for robust workshop use a MIG/MAG pulse welding, mainly for welding thick plates

  • FastMig X Pipe for pipe and root welding

  • FastMig X Intelligent for demanding welding applications, for all metals and processes, including welding of thin sheets.

All three configuration options are fully upgradeable, so they stand the test of time.

FastMig X Regular, FastMig X Pipe and FastMig X Intelligent

Besides a wire feeder and a power source of your choice, the accessories won’t let you down. The SuperSnake sub-feeder is there for you to reach even farther, and the optional double wire feeder allows for smooth work with two alternative filler wires.

When you need even smarter solutions, the Wise software add-ons optimize the arc; whether you need more penetration, optimal short-circuit characteristics or sheet metal welding. We dare to say that only the sky is the limit for the welding solutions available with FastMig X.

Meet the standards in all levels

The industry is getting increasingly demanding, and both the welders and the welding machines need to meet the requirements. With FastMig X, you have one consideration less. The exact arc voltage display feature helps to keep the welding parameters inside the WPS requirements, whereas full compatibility with WeldEye welding management software guarantees effortless quality control. At the same time, you can speed up your welding by up to 30 %, weld even five times faster compared to TIG welding, and save up to 50 % in labor and filler costs. FastMig X is always up to your project and will contribute significantly to meeting your deadlines and demands.

Get ready for the best welds of your life for years to come.

Anu Rousku

Anu Rousku

Marketing Communications Specialist at Kemppi Oy until September 2020. Experienced professional in content marketing with a demonstrated history of working in the industrial B2B sector. Playing with words, persuading the reader, with the spirit of getting things done – it is all seen in the result.

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Kemppi – Designed for welders

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