Polityka zwrotów

Polityka zwrotów

Kemppi return policy

Delivery reclamations

The customer is responsible for inspecting the delivery as it arrives and ensuring that it is un-damaged and complies with the packing list.

If omissions are noticed during the unloading of the delivery, it is the customer's responsibility to make a note of them on the delivery manifest and to inform the local Kemppi sales company or Kemppi Oy's sales department within 8 (eight) days.

If there are errors or omissions in the delivery which are Kemppi's fault, Kemppi will compensate for the missing or incorrect items.

Reclamation of freight paid deliveries

If damage caused during shipment is noticed, the customer is responsible for making a note on the freight bill together with the delivery driver and also to inform the local Kemppi sales company or Kemppi Oy's sales department. (For contact information, see the Kemppi web site at www.kemppi.com)

Terms of return

The reason for the return may be reclamation or some other agreement between the customer and Kemppi.

The customer must obtain a returns number from Kemppi

The right of return is only applicable to products in Kemppi's standard product range.

Kemppi will inform about the shipment of the return within one week of the return being accepted.

The returns number is valid for 14 (fourteen) days, during which time the customer must relinquish the product for delivery to Kemppi.

The right of return is only applicable to products in their original packaging. The products must be packed in a way acceptable to the delivery driver. The customer will be liable for the cost of damage during transit resulting from inadequate packing.

Kemppi will not accept the return of consumable parts of wire feed equipment or welding guns, or any products supplied more than 12 (twelve) months before.

The value of goods returned in their original packaging will be reimbursed as follows:

  • Goods incorrectly supplied by Kemppi will be reimbursed 100 %

  • Returns resulting from customer error and less than a month old - 75 % of the amount invoiced will be reimbursed

  • Returns resulting from customer error and more than a month old - 50 % of theamount invoiced will be reimbursed

Products with a net value of less than 100 euros may not be returned and their value will notbe reimbursed if the customer is responsible for the error. The customer will be reimbursed if Kemppi is at fault.

Returned products will be compensated after they have been received, inspected andaccepted at the factory. The procedure agreed between Kemppi and the customer will befollowed during compensation. Kemppi reserves the right to impose additional reductions if,at the moment of receipt, the product is not in perfect condition and for this reason cannot beresold.

If the return is the result of customer error then the customer is liable for the cost of the returnshipment. Kemppi will only pay for shipments resulting from its own errors.

Parts returned to Kemppi without a returns permit will be shipped back to the customer at thecustomer’s own expense.

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Prekursor w dziedzinie spawania łukowego

Firma Kemppi jest liderem w dziedzinie projektowania urządzeń do spawania łukowego. Poprzez ciągłe doskonalenie charakterystyki łuku spawalniczego staramy się zapewniać coraz wyższą jakość i wydajność spawania, jednocześnie pracując na rzecz bardziej ekologicznego i równego świata. Firma Kemppi dostarcza zaawansowane zrównoważone produkty, rozwiązania cyfrowe i usługi dla profesjonalistów — od firm zajmujących się spawaniem w warunkach przemysłowych po wykonawców indywidualnych. Naszym celem nadrzędnym jest użyteczność i niezawodność produktów. Działamy w oparciu o sieć wysoko wykwalifikowanych partnerów obejmującą ponad 70 krajów, dzięki czemu jesteśmy w stanie obsługiwać klientów lokalnie. Firma Kemppi z siedzibą w Lahti w Finlandii zatrudnia ponad 650 specjalistów ds. spawania w 16 krajach i w 2023 r. osiągnęła obrót 209 mln EUR.

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