Metallbau Bruns GmbH & Co. KG
Expert in thin sheet metal processing and longitudinal seam welding
X8 MIG Welder and WisePenetration+ in semiautomatic welding
Metallbau Bruns GmbH & Co. KG
Steel construction and structures
Reken, Germany
Base material
AI, Fe
Metallbau Bruns luottaa X8 MIG Welder -koneisiin henkilönostinteknologian hitsattujen rakenteiden tuotannossaan. Kaksi hitsausjärjestelmää työskentelee puoliautomatisoidulla alueella ja hitsaa jopa 11-metrisiä pitkittäissaumoja nostolavojen teleskooppipuomeihin. WisePenetration+-hitsaustoiminnon käyttö parantaa hitsauslaatua ja säästää sekä aikaa että rahaa, kun hitsipalkoja tarvitaan vähemmän.
Metallbau Bruns perustettiin vuonna 2003, ja alussa työntekijöitä oli neljä. Nykyään yhtiössä työskentelee 80 henkilöä, joista noin 70 on hitsaajia. Bruns on yksi harvoista saksalaisista yhtiöistä, joilla on kaikki pätevyydet hienorakeisen rakenneteräksen hitsaukseen. Tuotevalikoimaan kuuluu kuorma-auto- ja perävaununostureiden komponentteja, nostolavoja, pyöräkuormaajien jatkettavia puomeja, seulontajärjestelmiä sekä yhtiön itse kehittämä, erityisvahva UBOXX-kontti.
Alihankintakumppanuuksiensa ansiosta Bruns pystyy tarjoamaan yhdestä lähteestä kaiken tarvittavan, esimerkiksi täysin uusien mallien toteutuksen tai kokonaisten puomien osittaisen kokoamisen ja maalauksen. Bruns ehkäisee ammattitaitoisen työvoiman pulaa kouluttamalla vuosittain useita hitsaajia. Näin työn kannalta tärkeät taidot voidaan opettaa alusta alkaen, erityisesti ohutlevyjen käsittelyssä.
Correct processsing of fine-grain structural steel and aluminum
The main challenge at Bruns is the processing of fine-grain structural steel and aluminum. Fine-grain structural steel is very sensitive in terms of heat input, while the 1.5 mm aluminum sheets are also very time-consuming to process.
The manufacturing of aerial work platforms that can reach up to 60 meters in height gets especially tricky when welding the longitudinal seams of the telescopic booms. The telescopic booms, which later enable the platform to be extended, consist of two composite half-shells with a narrow opening angle. In the conventional manual welding process, there is a risk of welding distortion and spatter, which makes the reworking of the weld seam necessary.
Metallbau Bruns relies on X8 MIG Welders and WisePenetration+ in producing welded structures for height access technology.
This semi-automatic welding process takes place on both sides, with two welding guns moving in parallel on a trolley along the longitudinal seam.
The longitudinal seams in the telescopic booms can be up to 11 meters long.
At Bruns, the X8 MIG Welders are also used for manual welding.

The telescopic boom's outer support material is Strenx 960 CR 1.5 mm.

When finished, the telescopic booms elevate the aerial work platforms up to 60 meters in height.

A welder prefabricating smaller parts for the end product.
Metallbau Bruns welds the telescopic boom for aerial work platforms with their water-cooled X8 MIG Welders. The welding process takes place on both sides, with two welding guns moving in parallel on a trolley along the longitudinal seam. In this semi-automatic application, the X8 MIG Welder performs pulse welding with Ø 0.8mm and Ø 1.0mm filler wire, depending on the material thickness.
Available in Kemppi's welding systems designed for industrial welding, the Wise modified arc processes are software solutions that raise welding performance to a new level by enhancing the conventional MIG/MAG welding process. Bruns relies on WisePenetration+, a welding function for synergic and pulsed MIG/MAG welding. This process makes it possible to weld deep and narrow joints, as required when assembling the two telescopic boom half-shells. As a result, fewer weld passes are needed, which saves the welder a lot of time and filler wire.
WisePenetration+ also guarantees perfect penetration regardless of the distance between the contact tip and the workpiece. As the welding current remains stable in all situations despite the variation in stick-out length, welding quality improves because fewer welding spatters are produced and land on the workpiece. In most cases, reworking on the weld seam is no longer necessary while material cost savings are achieved by having fewer weld passes in the joint structure.
Featured Solutions
Product family
A welding function for ensured penetration in synergic MIG/MAG welding.